Sunday 19 February 2012

Follow Jesus

 How often do you talk about Jesus in during your everyday life.  This is definitely  what is actually happening in our daily lives today.God's importance in people's live is GRADUALLY dwindling . Today,  we  hardly get to  see many Christians  congregating in church to observe sabbath day and  it is  not unusual that they  don't even go to church frequently. There  is no doubt that  it has  become a norm for Christians to go to church  3 times throughout their lives. The first time is adhering family's  belief which is to be baptized in church.The second is to perform Sacrament of Holy Matrimony and finally the event after they died. And even now people go to church do not understand why they do it.This seems to be a prevalent these days. 

We don't see people shed tears listening to Jesus' story and His salvation and worship Him faithfully. People choose to worship their favorite  singers or actors. Imagine going to a  music concert, you see lots the fans screaming their hearts out the minute they see their beloved idol coming on stage. Some even fainted due to the degree of excitement. Ask an ordinary kid to choose whether to go for his or her favorite singer's concert  or attending Church on Sabbath day? You will get the former as an answer.  

It is a shame that  the mythical santa claus is being given more priority and status than Jesus Christ. Indeed the devil has succeeded in deviating people's faith . Trully. santa is the devils' scam. Created to replace Jesus in  Christians live. Well the significance of  Christmas  is gradually beginning to fade. A time to rejoice and prayers  has turned into an event of sinful activities. Nowadays, the so called  Christmas is a day to indulge in worldly activities of sins. Ask your friends what would they like to do on christmas day. You will get answers like have fun with friends in a trendy night club, party and  getting  themselves drunk. One things lead to another humans  are getting themselves into satan's trap. I'm reminded of a post on Facebook by a friend. She said, to people, Christmas equates to Gifts, New Years equates to Drinks and Valentines' Day equates to making babies. Sounds cute and funny but the intended meaning is significant and synonymous in humans' live nowadays

Jesus' birthday supposed to be rejoiced with activities like prayers and prayers and more prayers to thank and tell Him how bless we are  to have Him  who  died because of our sins and  through his death we are able to embrace his salvation. In short Santa has been thoroughly created to replace Jesus Christ in too many people's lives . I remember watching a funny video clip aired by a television programe about children being given unlikely christmas gifts. All these while they have been showered with their favorite gifts. Some were given smelly socks, half eaten sandwiches, toys meant for girls,activity books instead of comic books and many more.Well, seeing the kids' reactions gave me the shock of my life. They not only  cried but also resorted to cursing the parents with words of profanity as well. It goes to show that kids nowadays are not being brought up Jesus' way of life and Im not so sure what would become of those children in future if nothing is being done to overcome this.

Our reluctance in accepting God's will and teaching shows  that we are  denying HIM. We dont give Him the highest respect in whatever we do. Just like the first two statements, we go to church  just for the sake of going because we do not wish to get another boring  lectures from our parents or church members. As a result we fail to accept God's teaching which He shows us from the sermons presented by the preachers, elders or deacons. And our life will fade away into oblivion.  As a matter of fact, we seldom talk about God and bible in our daily life  compared to talking about sex, K-Pop, Mando-Pop, movie superstars or other worldly topics. Overtime, we indulge in sins. We don't even care about God anymore and eventually it affects our spiritual life and that's the time where we deny God, His presence and His sacrifices. But  in the bible, Jesus clearly tells us in the book of Matthew
Matthew 10:33  "But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.

Well , when you deny God  you are living in self denial and  choose not to live by God's true will. On judgement day, those who deny His name does not get written in the Book of life. But then some will argue  that they believe in Jesus and they should be saved and go to heaven. Before you react too quickly,Let me remind you of a verse Matthew 7 : 21..Im sure God will answer them  this ...

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

So its time for us to look back and reflect. Lets follow Jesus.

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